Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Thinx panties review. Alternative options for your period

15 years ago I stopped using regular tampons and sanitary napkins when I was introduced to softcups. When I had trouble finding them in MTL, I decided to seek out other ways of managing my period.
I tried going back to regular pharmacy type products just to have unbearable itching and irritation, not good.
I came across Lunapads from Vancouver, and bought 3 pairs of their underwear, they where underwear with built in absorbent pads. I was super happy and used them for 2-3 years.
When I tried re-ordering some years later I found out the style I had gotten were no longer available.  I ordered a new style and was disappointed with them. The cut and fit was uncomfortable and the removable inserts moved around and you had to pay extra for thicker ones.
When a couple of months ago on facebook one of my friends liked a link for Thinx, I got excited to see maybe I had found a ideal sexy alternative to my loved lunapanties.
I found out they were a woman run company, and carried plus size.
Their product claimed to carry 2 tampons worth of blood in the panties, they were also cute as hell especially the high waisted mesh undies.

Because why shouldn't you feel sexy while you body expels blood and tissue out of your vagina!
I also ordered their hip huggers because they where for heavier flow days.
I got them pretty fast, but was pretty mortified with the packaging, it was not discreet.
Now I am not embarrassed I have my period, but my postman does not need to know about my period options.
Ya, I know.
So the underwear where nice, fit well. The high waisted made me feel sexy retro. I could not wait for my period to come, and... it didn't because hey pre-menopause, fuck your review.

When I finally did use them I quickly found out (when I bleed though my panties 2h in on my first day) that these would not hold 2 tampons worth.
I went though 3 pairs on my first day. 
At $49.99 plus shipping each, this makes a very expensive period, I would need 5 pairs for the 24h and some extra to wear while I wash the ones from the previous day. Crazy!
When I use my softcups on my heaviest days I have to empty them every 3 h, so NO way this holds the amount claimed. So disappointed.
The high waisted undies still make me feel sexy, but I now wear them with my softcups (I found again on amazon) BUT when I sit they roll under my belly, sigh.

I would say this is okay, but the company should review it claim for absorbency and have a more discreet packaging.
I keep em for special occasions and end of period celebrations, like eating eclairs in my underwear while crying at commercials.