Friday 22 May 2015

Ferrys, dresses and New York

So I just got back from a trip to New York with my husband and step son, we had a blast even though some things went wrong.

The day started with us realizing the driver's mirror had been ripped/smashed off the car. We took a deep sigh and decided to go to the Fred Perry surplus, which should not be called an surplus. 10$ off is not a sale or a worthwhile discount, shame on you Fred Perry!

Then decided to walk the williamsburg bridge it was nice, I felt comfortable in my Eshakti hula girl dress I bought from a plus size facebook group. The bust is a little revealing so I paired it with a sweater and fake teeth pin I made.

The bag you may recognize from last week post, the shoes are not so pretty comfy flats for days of walking around. I bought them at ardene.

My hair skulls I got from Trash and vaudeville, I love em. As an old /x punk I have been visiting this place since the mid 80's. We bought these while visiting the east side the day before.

We then thought the boy should see the statue of liberty as it is his first time in NY, so we took the Ferry.

This is me on the Staten island ferry looking unimpressed at the screaming 4 years old in the quiet area.
Looking back, we had fun and made the best out of bad situations.

Like getting locked out of our Airbnb because the host left without giving us a key. What did we do?

 We watched funny videos, told dirty jokes and drank vodka/7up  from a plastic bottle.

Because videos of cat getting brain freeze is so much funnier when you've had a couple.

And all that matters is that you are with the ones you love out of the rain and under a roof.

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